Dry Goods - Feeds, Aquariums, and Maintenance
Amphiprion perideraion - The Pink Skunk Clownfish is a unique and elegant addition to any marine aquarium. With its soft peach-pink coloration and a distinct white stripe running along its dorsal ridge, this clownfish stands out from other clownfish species. The Pink Skunk Clownfish is a fantastic choice for reef tanks and pairs well with a variety of anemones, particularly the Magnificent Sea Anemone (Heteractis magnifica) and Sebae Anemone (Heteractis crispa).
The Pink Skunk Clownfish is semi-aggressive and does well in reef tanks or fish only tanks with other semi-aggressive fish that are not large enough to eat the clownfish.
Reef Safe? Yes
Specific Gravity: 1.020-1.025
Temperature 72-78° F
pH 8.1-8.4
DKI Pellets, TDO Pellets, Hikari Mysis, Hikari Spirulina brine shrimp, Calanus
Current Size: 1"+
Max Size:
Suggested Tank Size:
30 Gallons
Compatible with:
Compatible with caution:
Incompatible with:
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