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LPS Corals

Acropora Corals

Court Jester Goby


Koumansetta rainfordi - The Court Jester Goby is a Biota favorite and a highly underrated fish. Wild caught Court Jesters typically arrive in poor condition, are incredibly finicky eaters, and rarely survive. Captive bred Court Jester Gobies are robust, healthy, and feed on just about any fish foods offered. We recommend Easy Reefs DKI pellets and Masstick

These gobies do well singly in a smaller tank of 10+ gallons or in small groups in larger aquariums when added at the same time. Court Jester Gobies also help out with cleaning up pesky hair algae in aquariums, as this is their natural diet in the wild. We recommend introducing these small fish using an acclimation box


Reef Safe? Yes


Specific Gravity: 1.020-1.025

Temperature 72-78° F

pH 8.1-8.4


DKI Pellets, TDO pellets, Shaved mysis, Hikari baby brine shrimp, Calanus

Current Size: 0.75-1"+

Max Size:

Suggested Tank Size:

10 Gallons


Compatible with:

  • Jawfish
  • Hawkfish
  • Pseudochromis
  • Pufferfish
  • Tangs/Surgeons
  • Wrasse- Reef Safe
  • Live Corals
  • Invertebrates
  • Live Rock/Sand

Compatible with caution:

  • Gobies
  • Grunts/Sweetlips
  • Hogfish
  • Parrotfish
  • Seahorse/Pipefish
  • Squirrelfish
  • Triggerfish
  • Wrasse- Fish Only

Incompatible with:

  • Groupers
  • Lions/Scorpions
  • Sharks/Rays

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