Dry Goods - Feeds, Aquariums, and Maintenance
Dry Goods - Feeds, Aquariums, and Maintenance
Eunicea sp. This variety of Gorgonian was cultured in Panama at Bocas Mariculture. It has thin, purple, elegant branches with large polyps. Large colonies are impressive with their hypnotic movements and many fuzzy branches.
Many other species of gorgonians and sea fans are difficult to keep in captivity, however, this species is relatively easy to keep and a great coral for beginners who want something with interesting form and flow. It is photosynthetic, but will benefit from feedings of microfoods designed for soft corals.
Reef Safe? Yes
Specific Gravity 1.023 - 1.025
pH 8.1 - 8.3
Temperature 78° F
Ca 380 - 450ppm
dKH 8 - 12
Mg 1200- 1400 ppm
This species is photosynthetic but will benefit from feedings of microfoods like Easy SPS Evo and Easy Booster
Current Size: Frag
Max Size: ∞
Suggested Tank Size:
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Compatible with caution:
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