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Maxima Clam with Easy Reefs SPS Evo 25 Bundle


$ave 10% when you order a Maxima clam and Easy Reefs Easy Reefs SPS Evo Bundle

Is it necessary to feed Tridacna clams or myxotrophic organisms with plankton?

Autotrophy is the major source of carbon for giant clam species, potentially capable of satisfying all respiratory requirements of the host. However, the potential importance of heterotrophy to total energy needs of the host is also significant and changes with the size of the clam. 

The spectacular rates of growth in Tridacna clams are such that filter feeding is able to provide 65% of the total carbon needed both for respiration and growth in small clams.

With EasyReefs you will increase the growth and health of Tridacnas and SPS corals in your aquarium Also remember that it does not require refrigeration, and you can program the daily feeding with your dosing pump. Make it easy with Easyreefs.

Maxima Clam Type A:

Tridacna maxima - The Maxima clam also known as the small giant clam is the most popular giant clam species in the aquarium trade. Maxima clams have some of the brightest coloration of any of the giant clam species. They do very well in aquariums with higher lighting and should be kept in the rock work so they can attach with their byssal threads. They can reach a max size of 12”. Current sizing approximately  2.5" - 3"

Type A is similar to Grade A/Ultra clams with more blue and purple coloration

Type B will have more Greens and browns

Easy SPS 25:

EasySPS EVO is a premium mixture of natural marine plankton in a mineral suspension that has been specifically designed to be used with a dosing pump to ensure an accurate and regular nutrition of the SPS corals. EasySPS EVO contains phytoplankton that clams love and also particles ranging from 0.2 – 400 microns (55% from 0,4 to 200 microns) making it ideal to facilitate the capture by the Small Polyp Stoney Corals (SPS) which spend energy for respiration, mucus production, growth and reproduction.

Research has shown that the total energy demand cannot be met by photosynthesis alone. With the use of highly efficient protein skimming and fine mechanical filtration we eradicate almost all organic molecules and particulate matter from our systems resulting low levels of organic nourishment available to our SPS corals. Corals cannot survive exclusively from zooxanthella alone as they require extra sources of proteins, nutrition and carbohydrates.

EasySPS EVO supplies complex carbohydrates, natural lipids and nutritional proteins which provide an immediate source of energy for cellular respiration as well an important energy source beneficial for growth, color and most importantly survival. Useful in recreating the water conditions in and around natural coral reefs, used in conjunction with EasyBooster will help to significantly reduce the need of live food inside SPS dominated aquariums. In this way, both zooxanthella and EasySPS EVO are able to cover all nutritional requirements in the correct proportion.

  • EasySPS EVO is composed of Palaemonetes varians, Tetraselmis, Isochrysis, and Phaeodactylum.
  • The composition of EasySPS EVO boosts corals with high nutritional value proteins with a balanced aminogram, lipid profile rich in EPA, ARA and DHA, carbohydrates and functional micronutrients involved in the metabolic system of these animals.
  • All ingredients are produced at the EasyReefs facilities. They produce their own raw materials to ensure high quality standards in every production process. EasySPS EVO will enhance the brightness and intensity of the colors of your corals. It will also help strengthening and growing SPS corals. EasySPS EVO contains particles ranging from 0.2 – 400 microns (55% from 0,4 to 200 microns) making it ideal to facilitate the capture by the SPS polyps.


EasySPS EVO Initial dose: 1 ml per day for every 250 L of tank water. Then, increase the dose 25% weekly until you reach the recommended dose.

Daily recommended dose: 4 ml per day for every 250 L of tank water.

Recommended to use: It is best to feed EasySPS EVO to the aquarium using a dosing pump to ensure the regularity and accuracy of the doses. Apply the product near an internal circulation pump to ensure the total dispersion of the product.


Reef Safe? Yes


Specific Gravity 1.023 - 1.025

pH 8.1 - 8.3

Temperature 78° F

Ca 380 - 450ppm

dKH 8 - 12

Mg 1200- 1400 ppm


Paired with Feed

Current Size: Various Sizing

Max Size:

Suggested Tank Size:


Compatible with:

  • Invertebrates
  • Live Rock/Sand

Compatible with caution:

Incompatible with:

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