Dry Goods - Feeds, Aquariums, and Maintenance
Tridacna maxima - The Maxima clam also known as the small giant clam is the most popular giant clam species in the aquarium trade. Maxima clams have some of the brightest coloration of any of the giant clam species. They do very well in aquariums with higher lighting and should be kept in the rock work so they can attach with their byssal threads. They can reach a max size of 12”.
Type A is similar to Grade A/Ultra clams with more blue and purple coloration
Type B will have more Greens and browns
Reef Safe? Yes
Specific Gravity 1.023 - 1.025
pH 8.1 - 8.3
Temperature 78° F
Ca 380 - 450ppm
dKH 8 - 12
Mg 1200- 1400 ppm
This species is photosynthetic but will benefit from feedings of microfoods like Easy SPS EvoandEasy Booster
Current Size: Various Sizing
Max Size:
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Compatible with:
Compatible with caution:
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