Dry Goods - Feeds, Aquariums, and Maintenance
Current best by date: 11/25
Easyphyt is a culture medium developed by Easy Reefs specifically for small to medium scale phytoplankton cultivation.
Concentrated fertilizer for phytoplankton cultures (on request).
Its formula based on Guillard's classic F/2 is appropriate for growing Tetraselmis, Nannochloropsis, Isochrysis and Rhodomonas, among others.
For the cultivation of diatoms, such as Phaeodactylum or Chaetoceros, the use of specific culture media rich in silicate is recommended.
Sodium nitrate, iron chloride, EDTA, sodium phosphate, zinc sulfate, cobalt chloride, manganese chloride, sodium molybdate, copper sulfate, vitamins B1 and B12.
Note: Store in a cool place, preferably refrigerated.
How to use:
Prepare a solution with 1 part Easyphyt and 4 parts water.
In crops with periodic starting (batch cultivation), use 5 ml of the solution for each liter of culture.
In semi-continuous crops, use 1 ml for each liter of water each time a partial harvest is carried out.
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