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LPS Corals

Acropora Corals

Chicago Sunburst Anemone


Entacmea quadricolor - The Chicago Sunburst Anemone is one of the most sought-after bubble tip anemones in the reef aquarium hobby. Known for its striking coloration, this anemone displays vibrant shades of orange, red, and yellow with an intense glow under blue lighting. Each individual has a unique blend of colors, making it a standout addition to any reef tank.

Like other bubble tip anemones, the Chicago Sunburst can move around the tank until it finds an ideal location with the right lighting and flow. It has a semi-aggressive nature and may sting nearby corals, so it should be given ample space. Hosting clownfish can be beneficial, as they often form symbiotic relationships, providing protection and interaction for both the anemone and fish.

This anemone thrives under moderate to high-intensity lighting and benefits from stable water parameters. A mature, well-established aquarium is recommended. While it can derive some nutrition from photosynthesis, occasional feedings of small meaty foods such as mysis shrimp or finely chopped seafood will support its health and growth.

Important Notes:

  • This anemone may split naturally through asexual reproduction, creating clones over time.
  • If it begins to move excessively, it may be searching for a better location due to lighting, flow, or water quality changes.
  • Always use anemone guards on wavemakers and pumps to prevent injury.
  • Avoid keeping this strain with other anemone strains or species.

Add a stunning burst of color to your reef tank with the Chicago Sunburst Anemone, a showpiece anemone that thrives in well-maintained systems.


Reef Safe? Yes


Specific Gravity 1.023 - 1.025

pH 8.1 - 8.3

Temperature 78° F

Ca 380 - 450ppm

dKH 8 - 12

Mg 1200- 1400 ppm


This species is photosynthetic but will benefit from feedings of phytoplankton like Easy Booster

Current Size: Various Sizing

Max Size:

Suggested Tank Size:


Compatible with:

  • Live Corals
  • Invertebrates
  • Live Rock/Sand

Compatible with caution:

Incompatible with:

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