Dry Goods - Feeds, Aquariums, and Maintenance
Paracentropyge multifasciata - The Multibar Angelfish is a sought after species with mesmerizing contrasting black and white stripes. Wild caught Multibars are rarely offered since they are so difficult to feed and acclimate to captivity; they're often said to be "best left in the ocean." We agree. However, these ethically and sustainably captive bred Multibar Angelfish are already well conditioned and eating prepared foods! They're as hardy as any other angelfish once they are acclimated and eating well.
This is one of the more "reef safe with caution" species of angelfish, and reefers report that captive bred Multibars are even less likely to pick at their coral and sessile inverts.
These exciting dwarf angelfish reach a size of 4.5” and do best in tanks of at least 75 gallons with lots of mature live rock for grazing. Captive bred Mutlibars accept most appropriately sized pellet foods and frozen foods. We recommend a varied diet of angelfish specific foods containing sponge, frozen mysis, and Easy Reefs DKI pellets and Masstick.
Reef Safe? Yes
Specific Gravity: 1.020-1.025
Temperature 72-78° F
pH 8.1-8.4
DKI Pellets, TDO Pellets, Hikari Mysis, Hikari Spirulina brine shrimp, Hikari Baby Brine, Calanus
Current Size: Tiny .75-1"
Max Size:
Suggested Tank Size:
70 Gallons
Compatible with:
Compatible with caution:
Incompatible with:
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