Dry Goods - Feeds, Aquariums, and Maintenance
Centropyge ventusta - The Venustus or purple masked angelfish is a rare dwarf angelfish perfect for aquarists looking for that showy angel in a tiny package. This superhero look alike has a bright purple mask over their eyes with a yellow and purple body. They are notoriously finicky eaters when wild-caught, so captive-bred versions are much hardier and ready for mature, stable aquariums. These fish are likely to be more coral safe than other similar angelfish, but shouldn't be expected to be clam safe as they tend to pick at the mantles.
They are already trained and raised on prepared foods readily available to hobbyists like marine pellets and frozen foods. Their ideal diet should include high quality pellets like Easy Reefs DKI pellets and Masstick, Tdo pellets, frozen mysis, frozen Spirulina brine shrimp, and frozen angelfish diets containing sponge.
Currently ~ 1"
Reef Safe? Yes
Specific Gravity: 1.020-1.025
Temperature 72-78° F
pH 8.1-8.4
DKI Pellets, TDO Pellets, Hikari Mysis, Hikari Spirulina brine shrimp, Calanus, Nori
Current Size: Tiny .75-1"
Max Size:
Suggested Tank Size:
70 Gallons
Compatible with:
Compatible with caution:
Incompatible with:
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